Khadi becomes fashionable

Its Gandhi Jayanti time and that usually means, khadi comes back into the limelight. That is precisely what the Father of the Nation stands for many today – khadi. The good thing is that at least it has become fashionable and has not been allowed to die a natural death, like the way his ideals have. People say that his ideals will not work in today’s changed era but thankfully, many feel sporting a khadi outfit is just right to show off patriotism.
The good news is that khadi is now being pushed as a brand and like the “hallmark” for gold, it will have an exclusive mark from 2014. This exclusive mark will come from Khadi and Village Industry Commission (KVIC). Khadi Bhandars across the country will have to carry the mark from next year. Khadi Mark will guarantee genuine Khadi, hand woven, hand spun and natural fibre.
This is something which Gandhiji would have never imagined would happen one day but it is excellent that the humble cloth is today a fashion icon. This cloth truly represents – be Indian, buy Indian. It is good that finally attention is being paid on quality control as other international brands like Gap, Old Navy and many others ask for a premium on khadi garments, due to their very high quality. Well, an Indian bred product and Americans have a better quality? Yeh baat kuch hazam nahi hue…