Kudos to Cochin Intnal Airport!

By Research Desk
about 10 years ago


Cochin International Airport Ltd (CIAL) is indeed something which we Indians should be all proud about and should be spoken about in the drawing rooms and debates on TV rather than the ongoing depressing topics.

Did you know that CIAL is the first airport in the country which would be operating on solar power? After the PV panels were laid across 45 acres near cargo complex became functional, Cochin airport now generates 50000 to 60000 thousand units of electricity per day to be consumed for all its operational functions, which has technically make the airport ‘ absolutely power neutral

CIAL had ventured into the Solar PV sector during March 2013, by installing a 100 kWp solar PV Plant on the roof top of the Arrival Terminal Block. This was a trend setter in the field of grid-connected solar PV in the State of Kerala. The plant was installed by the Kolkata based M/s Vikram Solar Pvt. Ltd. 400 numbers of polycrystalline modules of 250Wp with five numbers of 20kW capacity Refu-sol make string inverters were used in this plant. This is a grid connected system without any battery storage.

How many such ventures do you know in the world which are run on solar power, that too something as big as an airport? Really, we should encourage more discussion on such positive news so that there is a sense of optimism in the country and maybe that will help us get over the perennial mood of frustration.