Kudos to this!!

There are so many inventions happening around us but we tend to focus only on the negatives. Here is some inspiring news from Bengaluru.
Bioengineer Leo Mavely, who is the founder and CEO of Axio Biosolutions is all beaming. And rightfully so because his homegrown invention, Axiostat, a haemostatic dressing that stops haemorrhage or bleeding from within minutes of administering through natural clotting has been approved by US FDA.
Extensively used by the Indian Armed forces, Border Security Force, National Security Guard, and other Paramilitary forces as part of their defence kit, Axiostat is an instant first-aid dressing which has earned the rare distinction of being the first Indian wound care product to receive FDA clearance.
Apart from saving lives of civilians, it is extremely useful to save lives of wounded soldiers posted at the border and conflict zones, where even a minute is crucial to their survival when compared to traditional compression methods lasting up to 30 minutes. The dressing can be easily removed through the thorough washing of wound with saline water.
This is a ‘made in India’ product for the global market! Kudos to that!!
22nd Jan 2020 at 11:25 am
8th Jan 2020 at 11:55 pm