Labyrinth that is EU building

We generally tend to think that all that which is Western works well, things run as smoothly as a well-oiled machine. Grass is always greener on the other side. But apparently, they too have their share of bad planning. The European Parliament building in Brusssels is one such example. It seems the layout of the building is so intricate and confusing that it leaves many, even the politicians running around, getting late for appointments even though they are within the same building.
Some visitors and politicians have been reported to even broken down into tears due to the sheer stress of getting from one office to the other within the same space. In fact recently one member of the Parliament was so lost that he had to call up his office, describe the place where he was standing – color of the walls and corridors so that they could at least tell him where he had landed!
Looking like a mushroom from the top, the building within itself has many overhanging bridges and two spiral staircases wrapped around each other. Designed by French company, Architecture-Studio, its website, funnily enough says proudly that the design of the European parliament was meant to be mysterious so that the design goes on to provide the key or signs which can be deciphered. In fact there is a mysterious floor number – 51/2, and this can be reached only through a special elevator which leaves from floors, 5,6 and 7. The elevator does have the button which says, 5.5 but try pressing it, you will never get there.