Lack of teaching staff in IITs

By Research Desk
about 12 years ago


The number of students getting into IIT has steadily increased over the years. In fact, after the introduction of 27% OBC quota in 2006, the number of students has increased by 54%. But, there is a 40% shortage in teachers across the IIT’s.

There are 6522 sanctioned faculty positions nationwide and currently, amongst these 2618 positions are vacant. With the criteria and faculty requirements top-notch, it is not going to be an easy to fill these positions. The predictions suggest that it will take close to a decade to achieve the ideal teacher-student ratio.

While the recruitment will start once every IIT submits their requirements; maybe to fill this lag of quality teachers and professors in IIT and other top-ranking Indian institutions; we need to have a teaching institute exclusively for teachers and professors having the standards of IIT’s. This will not just assure quality and qualified teaching staff but help bring out the best in their students, as well.