Let's not forget....

Yesterday there was some heart warming news from Kempegowda International Airport (KIAL), which in case you don’t know (most would not know) is Bangalore airport. To mark the arrival of AirAsia India’s fourth A320, KIAL paid a tribute by giving a water cannon salute. This was marked as a tribute to ‘Father of Indian Aviation’ - JRD Tata. This water cannon was known as the ‘Fire Truck Water Arch’, was 74.44 metres high and welcomed the aircraft ‘The Pioneer’ that has a livery dedicated to JRD Tata.
All very good but what is very sad is that there is not a single airport in India which is named after this “father of Indian aviation’. JRD was the one who pioneered this sector in India and it’s a pity that there is no form of recognition for this great man. Why names of politicians and historical leaders always? In that case, wasn’t JRD also historic for India?
Its really deplorable how politics get into every facet of life and even obliterates someone’s greatness. It also shows how so ever great a person might me, whatever be his achievements, over a period of time, he/she is forgotten, all the sacrifices and work done is just taken for granted. It is upto us to keep such great leaders alive or else how will the next generation even know who built India in that era? We rememeber Henry Ford and read his greatness, why not JRD?