Lets travel civil
Research Desk
about 9 years ago

It’s an untold secret within those working as attendants in the aviation sector – traveling to and fro to India is a nightmare.
All of us who have traveled at one time or the other, have experienced this first hand. We all seem to be in a constant hurry. The moment the flight touches ground, people start removing their seat belts, many even start trying to get their hand luggage and all this while the flight attendants try in vain to get people to sit down or not remove the seat belts.
On international flights, the most frequently sighted and “typical” Indian behaviors are:
- Insisting on placing overweight hand baggage in the overhead bin of only their preference.
- Not switching off the phone during take-offs or landings despite warnings.
- Taking selfies and pictures inside the flight when asked not to do so.
- Reclining the seat even during take-offs and landings.
- Moving up and down the aircraft many times, especially when they start serving food.
- Requesting for unnecessary seat changes.
- Getting up and going to the toilet when seatbelt sign is on.
So next time you travel, observe others and we will learn why we are such a dreaded-to-travel-with lot.