Living to eat, literally!

While India is supposedly getting fitness and health conscious, of the two billion odd people living in the nation, nearly 60 million Indians are still battling the bulge.
With the advancement of technology, increase in disposable income combined with the surge of increase of national and international fast food brands setting up shops in India; we are eating out more often and well, the result is here for everyone to see. Nearly, 10,000 bariatric surgeries are performed in India every year! And these surgeries are not just performed on middle-aged, well-settled professionals but even young adolescent children. With social networking, video games and laptops to give company; children are hardly playing out anymore- coupling this with fast food junks and stationary lifestyle, children today are getting obese. In fact, just recently, a 11 year old boy from Mumbai underwent bariatric surgery due to a lifestyle of junk food and no physical activity.
Nearly, 30% adolscents in metros of India are obese, which will only rise with time. Truly, we are taking the idiom ‘living to eat’ to a whole new level. Now, this is one area where we could surpass USA too!