'Made in USA' gets hot

The dominance of the ‘Made in China’ remain tight all over the world. But given the many slip ups in quality, people have become quite wary and discerning buyers are now shopping for goods, ready to pay even more if the goods are not made in China but anywhere else.
Made in USA is one tag which is quietly catching fancy in America, especially in clothes. With the current growing panache for everything local, clothes is also one thing which people are on the lookout; more so after the faux pas by Ralph Lauren, who invited the ire of the country when he outsourced Team U.S.A. uniforms for the Olympics opening ceremony. After that uproar, as such, with ‘outsourcing’ becoming a bad word, it has got further wind.
There are now websites which boast of selling only ‘Made in USA’ clothes and there are buyers too though the designs are nothing to write home about. Brooks Brothers, with approximately 125 stores nationwide, is now making all of its ties, as well as its luxury, made-to-measure and Black Fleece shirts, domestically. Another company, Hamilton Shirts is also witnessing a lot of interest. So ‘Made in America’ is creating a lot of excitement and very soon, the rest of the world, will also want of these tags. The Asian countries had better watch out!