Making shopping a 'faster' experience

A group of students of Chennai are promising a faster shopping experience. After the long and tedious process of shopping and collecting things in the trolley, one has to wait in long serpentine queues to pay the bill. Sometimes, the wait to pay the bill surpasses 30 minutes to even an hour on weekends. And to eliminate this bitter shopping experience, some innovative students of Marian Engineering College have come up with a solution.
They have designed a trolley which has a Radio Frequency Identification Sensor (RFID) reader attached, with a LCD display near the handle bars. What happens is that the moment you pick up an item and put it into the trolley, the RFID tag on the product will be read by this embedded reader in the trolley. It will promptly scan for the price and display the same on the display screen. This way, every item you pick up, it will keep on adding up the bill. In case you decide to remove some item, the moment you remove it from the trolley, it will get deduced from the bill. And once all your shopping ends, one needs to give in a final enter command to the billing system. All this information is sent to a computer for billing update through a wireless link. And lo and behold, your final bill along with the cost will be printed! The customer can then use his smart card to pay for the product by swiping it through the smart card reader installed within the billing system.
Now if this is not ease of shopping, what else can be! Maybe lesser crowds and more space to push around the trolley without bumping into one another?