Management lessons from Gabbar!

All of us, almost all of us, would have seen and heard Gabbar Singh in Sholay. The portrayal of a dacoit by actor Amjad Khan is a milestone of Hindi cinema and his dialogues of the movie are legendary, a part of our day-to-day conversation too!
But here is a wonderful take on his dialogues and how these can be construed from a management lesson perspective. When you read this, you will feel that all that Gabbar talked throughout the movie, were indeed all great nuggets of knowledge and wisdom! This is currently trending big time on the social media, especially Whatsapp...
Sharing few timeless management lessons he delivered throughout the movie
1. Jo Darr Gaya Samjho Mar Gaya ...Enterprenuership and Courage go hand in hand. These two important factors brings in Risk Taking Capability which lays the foundation of any succesfull business
2. Kitne Aadmi Thhe ... Know the competition, its size and capability.....Always important to understand that even a Small but Efficient Team can make a difference
3. Arey-o Sambha Kitna Inaam Rakhey hai Sarkar Hum Par ...Know your price & value.....Promoting & Marketing one's own brand is very important
4. Che Goli aur Aadmi Teen.....Tera Kya hoga Kaalia...Always create an illusion of survival to know the truth....Kaalia's response reaffirms message to the rest....Perform or Perish....loyality doesn't count
5. Ley Ab Goli Kha......Take hard decisions......organisations do not survive on the interest of the organisation, need be 'fire' the loyalist
6. Jab Tak Tere Pair Chalenge Uski Saans Chalegi......Performance should be continuous...classic Carrot and Stick approach
7. Yeh Ramgadh Waale Apni Beti ko Kaun Chaki ka Aata Khilate hai Re.... Evaluate and research....even the most nonchallent looking aspect may be of importance..... The Devil is in Details
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