Money is biggest motivator

By Research Desk
about 12 years ago

Some age old truths can never be challenged. Like if there are two brothers and one big business, majority of the times, there will be a split. Or when you wait for a fast train, two slow trains would have gone and yet your fast train would not come, yet we will continue to wait for the fast train! And another age old truth is the payment of bonus remains the best form of reward to motivate employees to work better.

This is a known truth and yet, a specialized staffing services firm, Accountemps had conducted a survey to arrive to this truth. The survey concluded that bonus is the most effective tool for motivation and retention of employees. 46% of chief financial officers (CFOs) interviewed for the survey cited bonuses as the most effective way to acknowledge a job well done.  And the second most popular motivator was getting time off from work, basically paid leave.

So what does this survey convey? Though we begin and end our day with work, which we do so for money, it is the lure of more money,which gives us more kick. Money and more money comes first and when we get tired of running after money, it is vacation that we desire the most.  So we work more for money and then we work to get a vacation. Guess it is one more unexplained ironies of life!

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