More than just jeans

The rioting in USA has shocked the world, making one wonder where exactly this country is headed? But in the midst of all this negativity, it was wonderful to see companies like Levis, coming out in the open and showing their full support to the black community.
On the website, Levi Strauss & Co. president and CEO Chip Bergh, wrote a letter showing 100% support for the black community and condemned all forms of racism—from the violent to the casual to the political.
Bergh wrote: “America is burning because of the deep-rooted racism that is our nation’s most shameful legacy. The murder of George Floyd by four Minneapolis police officers was brutal and senseless, as were the recent killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and so many others before them. I am heartbroken for those individuals and the families and communities they were taken from. They deserved better. We have to be better.”
Looking inwards, Bergh said, “We at LS&Co. are far from perfect. We have a lot of work to do internally and externally to live up to the ideals we cherish as a company.”
This work, he added, includes listening to black employees when they share their experiences and supporting groups that aid marginalized communities through the Levi Strauss Foundation. Along with providing a $100,000 grant to Live Free, which organizes local communities to curb gun violence and promote racial and economic justice, Bergh said the company will give a $100,000 grant to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) for work towards criminal justice reform.
It’s a pity that when such acts of discrimination happen in India, we rarely hear companies coming out in the open like this and showing their support and raising their voice against unjust acts. Ultimately, it’s the culture of the company which makes it international and not merely expansion across the globe.