Movies for all!

about 8 years ago

Everyone has heard the tales from their parents about how affordable things were ‘in their times.’ A movie was only 50 paise, samosas and cold drinks were barely 20 paise and Re.1 was as good as carrying Rs.100. Today, sadly, movie tickets are priced at an average of Rs.150-250, snacks and cold drinks costing another Rs.200-300.

Today for a family of four to have a good time at a multiplex, it costs no less than Rs.2000. City goers and educated masses themselves have trouble keeping pace with these rising costs, so imagine the plight of laborers, migrants and the poor people who come to cities to earn their bread and butter. For them, watching a movie is almost as good as a week’s pay gone. It is with the noble aim to make new releases affordable to these people that gave rise to ‘Nukkad Entertainment.’ Nukkad means ‘street corner’ and it really lives up to its name! Nukkad Cinemas caters to semi-urban and rural Indian regions with the best comforts of multiplexes- tickets cost vary from Rs.40 to 50 on weekdays and weekends, with cushioned seats and better ambience.

This is indeed a commendable startup. With prices going only upwards, looks like very soon Nukkad Cinemas will find a way to please the pockets of ‘us’ rich citizens, as well!