Mumbai dabbawallahs hike charges

Mumbai’s dabbawallahs are an inspiration to many including the recent movie, The Lunchbox. Fast. Reliable. Precision like clockwork. They deliver over 100,000 lunchboxes across the city and are said to have a six sigma rating of 99.9999- one mistake in every six million deliveries!
Be it sticky heat or pouring rain, these dabbawallahs do not have an off and nothing can deter them from delivering home cooked food to office goers. Now, with the rising costs, however, the dabba is set to cost Rs.100 more a month. The current monthly charges range from Rs.600 to Rs.1000 depending on the distance and time taken. It is hard work and only fair that the new rates sustain them in today’s times.
These dabbawallahs, who are in an income group of Rs.8000-10,000 per month, have become subjects of management study beyond textbooks for global business schools. Their fan club boasts names like Prince Charles and Richard Branson. These blue collared workers are the true lifeline of Mumbai.