Need a pay hike?

Most of us have been in a situation where you have often wondered about your true worth if resume is posted is circulated around. You would have often wondered whether you are being paid right or much below what the industry average norm is. Looks like there is a solution in sight for this dilemma. And as is the case with most of the things in today’s world, this solution is also a website, in fact many websites.
The most popular websites are -,, and in analyzing salary scales. These websites ask you for the details of your job – pay, bonus, benefits, insurance, work profile, special skills, position held, years of experience, education background. And then based on a comparative analysis, usually based on similar profiled people on the site, they let you know whether or not your paid well.
Well, this is nice but if you are going to negotiate for a pay hike based on the solution which the site throws up, be cautious. Many feel that the salaries which are entered in by people are not accurate and hence unreliable. But yes, the results from the site can be used a rough road map to guide you about the salary structure in your chosen sector.