Need for study on sanitation

We read this news with a lot of wonder – wonder because we wondered why no college till now has thought about this?
Bihar’s Mithila University is including the subject if “sanitation” in its curriculum. That’s very good. We have read and had lessons when we were children, maybe in “Community Living” subject about cleanliness – personal as well as things and environment around us. But that is something we forget as we grow older, the way we forget many important lessons of childhood. So it’s a good idea that the same subject will now be taught to minds which are mature enough to understand and make it a part of day-to-day life.
Apart from learning to inculcate sanitation as a part of our lives, this course, to be known as “Sociology of sanitation” will probably open up a new avenue of employment. Sociology of Sanitation is a sub branch of medical sociology that emerged in the United States during 1940’s. The discipline that investigates the social causes and consequences of health and illness was inspired by the health and sanitary reforms that took place in western society. It was well recognised that the relations between sociology and sanitation are extremely intimate. Hence sanitation and sociology must go hand in hand in their effort to improve the race and now their relations are consciously and openly recognized.
This is a very good subject especially for our country when we are talking about “Swaccha Bharat”. Why not a formal study in the same?