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Thanks to the Kingfisher employees getting tax notices when it was the company that had defaulted on payments, we all will now be blessed with SMSes from the Income Tax (IT) department. We all will now receive a monthly SMS from the income tax department telling us whether the tax deducted from our salary has been received or not.
Why? The move is aimed at building trust between the taxpayer and the I-T department. It was found that in many companies, though tax from salary was deducted, they were not paying to the Govt, with the employees getting tax notices. Thus the SMS which will inform you whether the tax deducted has reached the department or not. In case it hasn’t, you can now question the company as to why it is defaulting on your taxes.
The IT department wants to correct its image from being looked upon as a tax-terrorist to a friendly organization. And don’t be shocked if you receive email certificates of appreciation for paying the taxes on time. There is no hidden agenda there – the IT department is just trying to be friendly – a friend you will have whether you like or not!