No official 'instrument' for FIFA?

Remember the annoying Vuvuzela during the FIFA matches last time in 2010 when held in South Africa? They were a menace and a real ear-hurter. One could not understand why someone on earth would go and invent such a loud blowing horn?
Thankfully, the vuvuzela is banned now all across for the evil sound it produces. So Brazil had come up with its own new vuvuzela kind of instrument – caxirola. It was also declared as the ‘official’ instrument of the games. This instrument is bell-shaped or a flat-bottomed avocado. Small in size, it is made from plastic produced from Brazilian sugar cane ethanol and filled with small plastic particles. When shaken it produces a moderately loud jangle—somewhere between a baby's rattle and a rainstorm on a tin roof.
But it has since then been banned. In a recent friendly match held last month in Brazil, the free distributed Caxirola’s were used by the rowdy fans to throw down onto the field. This posed major risks and thus has been banned.
It’s sad that the Brazilian Govt had to ban this new instrument but the underlying blame lay not on the Caxirola but on the kind of society we live in today, breeding on a haphazard social structure, where violence is created by desire.