One small step – big difference

This small story goes on to show how even one small gesture can make a BIG difference.
M Yoganathan is a Coimbatore based bus conductor, employed for 28 years with the Tamil Nadu State Road Transport Corporation. His route is marked everyday on Bus No.70 and all those who know him, love and respect him the change he has driven.
He was raised in the Nilgiri district and had this innate love for trees. He even staged a protest march once against timber smugglers and that is it when it struck him – he could do his bit to undo what these smugglers were doing.
Covering the ‘70’ route from Gandhipuram to Marudhamalai every day, this bus conductor uses over 40% of his monthly income buying saplings and educating children and youngsters in local schools and colleges about the environment. Till date, he has planted 1,20,000 saplings, throughout Tamil Nadu.
He is today recognized as a “Tree Man” and has been felicitated with various awards as an environment conservationist. On the day of his weekly off, which is Monday, he address students at educational institutions.
Sadly, his landlord does not permit him to plant a single tree at the rental home he has been living for years now.
It is people like Yoganathan who need to be lauded and encouraged; they are the true heroes who can help change the world for the better.
22nd Mar 2018 at 07:25 pm
22nd Mar 2018 at 01:00 pm
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