Online courses - any takers?

So are you taking an online course or are proud about that certificate that you earned at the coding boot camps? Well, sad to break the balloon but most of the employers, when you list down the online courses and certificates earned, it cuts no ice.
There are scores and scores of such online courses which promise you the earth and moon; say that they will update you with the latest skills and all the knowledge which college did not give you. But for employers, these course providers hold no trust and they say that with so many ad hoc online courses being offered, there is no single, one body which sets standards.
What is seen is that most online Universities fail to recruit a proper, well trained online instructional staff due to lack of funds or simply because they do not have the credibility to attract good talent.
Thus is you are hoping to get some good company to employ you, based on your online certificates, you might have to just continue waiting. This industry too will undergo a churn and consolidate – till then just wait.