Paper Boat speeds like a jet!

A visit to any retail shop today, we are bound to see those cute little drinks from Paperboat. If you are not the fizzy and fruit juice type of person, this is the perfect drink for us Indians, who need a little bit of tradition mixed with the new.
Their aamras pana is a runaway hit. So is the jamun, chilli guava and jaljira. Their golgappe drink, which is basically the panipuri ka paani is also a super hit. And the company is paying attention to local flavours too.. in South India, it has launched the household drink, Neer More – a buttermilk beverage with curry leaves, ginger, chillies and hing. Then there is Panakam, which is a traditional drink using jaggery mixed with spices like cardamom, ginger and lemon. And believe it or not, it also sells chilled rasam! It also sells Thandai, catering to the taste of North India.
All Paper Boat drinks are made without preservatives, added color or carbonation, and on average it takes the firm 18 months to develop a flavor from idea to launch. Currently, 11 flavors are in the pipeline in different stages of development and are scheduled to be launched by the end of 2017.
Products like Paper Boat are also tapping into a sense of a confident India that is now comfortable with its roots and product history. And the best part – it is giving the likes of Coca Cola and Pepsi a run for their money!
Paper Boat shows once again how one great idea can change the world!
18th Jan 2017 at 07:31 pm