Paytm karo or nahi?

The BIG news on the social media today is the rocking party of Paytm and how its CEO, Vijay Shekhar, was high on alcohol and gave a speech which made many cringe and some gloat along with him.
What came across from his rather boisterous and alcohol induced speech is that he and his company could do what many companies aspire to do within such a short span of time and that too, without spending a dime on advertising from their own pockets. They owe it all to Modi and his demonetization and that fact that they were there at the right time and place to capitalize on this.
Many have expressed shock and questioned how he could gloat and celebrate when there is so much suffering caused due to demonetization. But seriously, who can deny this moment of glory to Shekhar. He was extremely lucky and by the age of 30 he has hit the jackpot. And all of us, those in the capital market and in business, use every adversity as an opportunity, isn’t it? Otherwise why are we celebrating stocks in the sugar sector when prices are high or why are defence stocks in demand – aren’t they all machines of killing?