PM's busy calendar

If you thought that our PM is doing too many foreign tours ever since he took office, let us tell you, last year was nothing compared to the tours planned this year. Looks like he will be more “out” than “in” , probably aiming to make a “Guinness world record”. But the good news is that after his current BRIC summit visit, he will actually be in India, without a single foreign trip for two whole months!
In September he will don his travelling boots again. He will go to USA again as he is scheduled to speak at the UN on 25th Sept. He is planning on a Madison Square like event this year too but now on the West Coast, mostly in Silicon Valley.
November 15-16 he will go to Turkey for G-20 Summit, Now 21-22 he will be in Malaysia for East Asia Summit. The same month he is probably going to UK also. Myanmar, Singapore and Vietnam are also on his agenda when he goes visiting Malaysia. It is only in 2016 that he will visit Israel and the Gulf countries.
Well, there is no doubt these trips are inevitable and for many who believe that these trips are fun and frolic like the way we have, be assured, it’s a lot of work. Not to mention the foreign diplomacy being achieved by his visits.