Power to Chhota Bheem!

Have you heard of Rajiv Chilaka? Or his company Green Gold Animation? Unlikely for most of us. But surely we all have heard of the cartoon character, Chhota Bheem. Well, Chilaka is the creator of Chhota Bheem.
As a small boy, Chilaka loved the character of Bheem, the mightiest of the Pandavas. That’s how he came up with the character of a village boy named Chhota Bheem. This small boy, brave and strong like Bheem loves laddoos and children across India, across all cultures love Chhota Bheem.
Apart from the TV cartoon, he also made a film and it struck gold. Made on a budget of Rs.4 crore it raked in Rs.2.5 crore within the first week of release itself. This is said to be the first home-grown TV series to be made into a feature film. He is also the creator the TV cartoon series Krishna. Chilaka considers himself as the next Walt Disney in making and believes his Chhota Bheem franchise to be a bigger crowd and money spinner than even the IPL.
Now there is a third movie of Chhota Bheem scheduled to release on 8th Jan - Himalayan Adventure’ , to be shown on about 500 screens across India. It took a team of 325 techies 18 months to make this approximately 100 minute animation film, with the project estimated at a cost of Rs. 6 crore.
This is India’s first desi cartoon character which has assumed an almost cult status and kudos to Chilaka !