Putin and his fitness regimen

The Russian President is most certainly a fitness freak. For him, more than running the country, his gym and swimming regimen take a priority. That probably explains why he constantly puts out photos of him working out, like the latest one today or riding a horse, swimming with the whales; basically all things which make him look good.
Putin surely has a ‘crazy’ schedule. Putin starts most days around 8:30am in his residence outside of Moscow. He heads to the gym every morning with his loyal Labrador Kony and begins his exercises with several repetitions on each machine. Then it’s time for a 1,000 meter swim. After the physically demanding workout, the leader heads to the contrast shower – a process which consists of jumping into two small pools – one filled with hot water and the other with cold water.
After burning calories in pool, Putin has a nutritious breakfast, usually consisting of porridge and cottage cheese. The meals are often sent from Patriarch Kirill. Putin washes down his meals with a healthy vitamin cocktail, which he makes himself.
After breakfast, Putin makes his way to the office in style. A presidential motorcade takes him from his residence to the Kremlin. The busy Moscow roads are blocked for his commute – and because of this, his trip takes just 25 minutes.
And work begins by afternoon, running late into the night. If only he know how to do yoga; he might not need to do so much to keep fit!