Quadricycle - the new 'it'!

Bajaj Auto has been at it for some years now and looks like Tata Motors is also following suit. We are talking about the quadricycle. When Bajaj Auto, with its famous R60 decided to go ahead with the launch, Tata Motors was the most vocal opposer. But today, the tide seems to have turned and so have the moods – Tata Motors itself is developing its own quadricycle, known as ‘Project Bravo’ and this will come with a petrol engine. No launch date has been fixed yet but tentative rumours say it could hit the roads by 2018.
Quadricycles have become the new ‘it’ in the auto sector. First Bajaj Auto and others – Piaggio and Mahindra are also developing their own versions. This vehicle was first to be launched in 2012 by Bajaj Auto but its classification – neither a car nor an auto, got it into trouble. Well, the Govt made a new classification for quadricycle, which came into effect from 1st October, the same time when Bajaj Auto planned to launch its RE60.
If it is for low-cost public transport, pricing will be key. And in a country driven by mileage, where a prospective yacht buyer is also more bothered about the mileage. All Quadricycles will come with a label ‘Q’ on the body and help authorities in restricting them to operate in areas predefined for them. Moreover, they are barred from plying on highways and restricted to a maximum speed of 70 kmph/hour. The quadricyle does not look great, in fact post its public unveiling, it did not get too many compliments on the looks department. Most found it dowdy, looking something like the old Fiat but with a swollen lip! And the jokes have also begun – “if it does not start, just tilt it and kick it!”