Recess experts?

In the good old school days, a recess during school hours meant a time to eat delicious food, eat it quickly so that there was enough time left for play.
But it has been seen in many schools, not just in India but all across the world that recess time has been cut down and in some, there is no recess at all. And because it has started showing effects on the children, many schools are having a rethink and some have started revamping recess times. Some are having it 2-3 times a day in shorter increments, just like how it used to be back then.
Worse – many schools are bringing in recess coaches who actually teach children to play, have activities and basically encourage more physical fitness. There are actually some committees which recommend schools on what to do in recesses. They have recommended having a weather plan, designating outdoor and indoor areas for recess, making markings on playgrounds, providing equipment, and having physical activity zones and planned activities.
They actually have “recess experts” who are saying what we knew all along – recesses are important for children’s physical and mental development.
Sometimes, in these modern times, we overthink simple things and complicate such simple things in life. And yes, most of times, it is back to basics, to many things which our fathers and grandfathers did which makes more sense, makes life more livable today.
15th Mar 2017 at 04:37 pm