"Relief" is a mockery

When the Govt announces a relief package for a victim or those affected by a calamity, one would naturally expect the money to come in when required, when it is most needed, right? That’s what ‘relief’ means right?
But in our country, ‘relief’ is just an announcement – probably a relief to the politicians to have announced something and get those suffering off their backs! The drought hit farmers in some states, the Govt has relief but sadly, it is yet to reach them. Farmers in Karnataka who lost crops due to poor rains during last year’s June-September monsoon are expected to get central relief only by May 2016. This delay is on account of hurdles faced in gathering farmers’ bank account details and the upcoming local body elections, which has completely skewed the priorities of the leaders.
10 states have requested for funds, six have been sanctioned for relief and Karnataka is the first state to receive it- and that’s the state of the funds in Karnataka – not reaching when and where it should. So what is really the point of this relief announced? Giving food to a person who has already died of starvation –that’s what our relief is all about.