Rewarding employees - 'virat' gesture

There is not a single good Press about Mallya and even United Spirits. But there is one single piece of good news – the team owned by Mallya, Royal Challengers, visiting the employees of United Spirits.
Last month, the employees of the company were pleasantly surprised when the entire team, along with ace player, Virat Kohli and even Chris Gayle came visiting. During lunch hour, the Challengers barged into the office, shared jokes, anecdotes and even some lunch. The employees were naturally thrilled to bits as this was probably for the first time ever that the team came and met them. These are the people who toil and make the company which earns enough money to buy a cricket team so what could be a better way to reward them than interact directly with the team. This was the first time ever that employees were meeting the team as before that, only the top management got the opportunity – which would be typical of all companies and their teams.
The top management should remember that it is the employees who make them and the company, without them, they do not exist. Thus it is nice to know that at least someone acknowledged them. There is no doubt about one thing though – it could not be Mallya’s thinking as he has never done this. But with the change in the management, with the Diageo team leading, surely it is thanks to them.