Rise in real life wedding movies

Weddings have always been ‘in’ in India. It does not matter whether its recession, off season, on season, bad economy, good economy- poor or rich; no one minds spending out every last paisa on a big bang, elaborate Bollywood like wedding affair.
The latest trend in this multi million dollar Indian wedding industry which entrepreneurs have tapped into is ‘wedding photography and real life wedding films.’ Movies shot in scenic, outdoor locations, sometimes even outside India having an unmistakable air of Bollywood romance; wedding films shown sometimes before or during the ceremony or reception are adding a big ‘oomph’ factor to the otherwise regular ceremonies these days.
Photographers charge anything between Rs.5000 to Rs.5,00,000 for these short films and looking at the number of wedding movie makers coming up in the market, the business is selling like hot cakes! After all, our weddings are all about who is the mightiest of all and less about ‘happily ever after’.