Run, run, run....

Running marathons, compared to the West, is a fairly new concept in India. Today, it has become a rage, a must for those seeking gratification on the social media.
But one place where it is a rage and majority people do run very seriously, is the New York marathon. And not just anyone can go and sign up for the run. The marathon will be happening on Sunday and 50,000 people are expected to participate. These running spots were earned through charity fundraising or running other races to qualify. Only 15,500 spots in the race are designated for general entry, and roughly 105,000 people applied for the lottery this year.
It has bigger in Tokyo – the 2019 Tokyo Marathon which will be held in March, got more than 330,000 general entry applicants for its 27,370 available spots.
The London Marathon is to be held in April 2019 and it received a jaw dropping 414,000 applications for 40,000 slots.
The Mumbai Marathon is also a big event. It is held on the third Sunday of January every year – its scheduled for 20th Jan 2019. It is the largest marathon in Asia as well as the largest mass participation sporting event on the continent. It is the richest race in India with a prize pool of USD 405,000. In 2018, 44,007 people ran and in 2019, 46,000 spots are open.
Well, whatever be the reason for this running; it’s a good habit! So such and more such sports affiliated events are welcome!