Salute this creativity!

This can happen only in Europe! Anywhere else, this would have sounded ludicrous, even hinging on insane but in Barcelona, well, it can happen and we can actually applaud the cause.
Liceu, the opera at Barcelona, the largest in Europe, reopened on Monday and held its first concert in three months. And was it a sell-out? Totally! The concert was held exclusively for a leafy, green audience – 2300 house plants! Every single seat was occupied.
The idea was to bring about an introspection on how human life has become almost absurd during these pandemic times, where people have lost their place as spectators. We humans took away all that which Nature occupied and now they want to give Nature the place which humans occupied.
This opera raises many questions about the absurd costume worn by the human condition during this confinement: a public deprived of the possibility of being public.
As we said, this can happen only in Europe which is the cradle of creativity of this world and such profound and deep expressions are respected.