Setting an example!!

What an excellent way to invite people for a wedding!
With a vow to always keep environment first, a Bhopal couple - Pranshu Kankane and Sumi Choudhary decided to invite guests with potted plants instead of a wedding card. This wedding became the talk-of-the-town and all could not stop praising the innovative approach.
All invites were e-card only, there was no elaborate wedding invitation on paper but on insistence of folks at home, a few “physical” cards were required. And to fulfill this wish, they came up with the idea of a ‘green invite’ where they printed the details of the wedding on potted plants.
There were around 50 Tulsi plants, which were widely accepted by the elderly. There were also four to five varieties of indoor plants and around 30-40 seasonal plants which even led to the invitees picking their own ‘green invite’.
Moreover, in order to make the wedding eco-friendly, the invite also had various instructions for the guests – ‘don’t bring bouquets’ and ‘avoid using single-use plastic bottle’ and even the decorations were made out of eco-friendly material. And to avoid food wastage, they also asked people to RSVP. The family also partnered with the Robin Hood Army, an NGO that serves surplus food from restaurants and weddings to the hungry.
Of nearly 1500 guests, they received only two bouquets. Also, only 40-50 plates of food remained, which RHA took to give the poor.