Simple and profound words

It is always a wonderful experience to hear some of the big achievers talk, tell us about how they got where they were; their vision for the future; it is usually very inspiring. In India, somehow at schools and colleges we do not have this practice at all of some of the biggest achievers of India, coming down and talking to students. Don’t know why, but schools and colleges just do not think of doing this regularly.
In USA, the good thing is that there are many achievers and many stories to tell. And just as schools take the pain to get them to talk to students, motivate them at a young age, even the achievers consider it their duty to give these talks and pep-up students, their responsibility.
At a recent such talk from Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, answered questions about the future of the social network. There came a last question from a shy 8th grader from a local school; she asked him how he had managed to hold on and continue working hard even through the hard times in the early Facebook days. His answer, simple enough for a school student to understand, is worth a million dollars. He says, “Don’t go it alone. No person knows how to deal with everything. But if you can find a team of people, or friends, or family — and there will be different people over time because different people like to focus on different problems or different scales of the problems — then that’s what’s really going to get you through, that’s what’s gotten me through and that’s what continues to get me through all the stuff that we have. Yeah, you don’t have to be superhuman, you have to just kind of keep on going and not do it alone and find people who share your passion for what is the important thing in the world.”