So whats your New Year resolution?

New year has dawned fresh and clear. And once again it’s time for many to make a New Year resolution, irrespective of the fact that most of the time, these are never kept. Its more like a habit – you have to do it just as you have to eat a chocolate it you have smelt it!
With so many billions of people living on this planet and each country celebrating the New Year at different times, it is quite baffling to see that there are some New Year resolutions which run common amongst all.
There are some top 10 new year resolutions, number one being, yes, you guessed it right – lose weight and get fit! Then comes quit smoking or drinking.
Others in the list are spend time with family, save more money. Amongst students, it is study well and score good grades. Improving oneself and volunteering to help others also figures out amongst the most common resolutions.
And nowadays one resolution which needs to be made and stuck to – lower time spent on Facebook and no need to jump up every time your What’sApp buzzes. Yes, reducing the number of selfies should also be right there at the top.
So how many of these are ‘your’ New Year resolutions?