Sober up!

The buzz word today is to be different. Do anything which makes you stand apart, get the ‘eyeballs’ and you are sure to hit the social media – the cheapest way to get global publicity.
So we have come across some of the weirdest kind of museums around the world – Dog Collar Museum, Big Mac Museum, International Spy Museum. The Mummy Museum, Cancun Underwater Museum and now you can add one more quirky one to that list – a Museum of Hangovers.
This is for those who cannot remember what they did after they were completely drunk. Located in Zagreb, Croatia, it displays some of the most random objects that people have woken up to alongside their stories.
Its entry is designed like being in a street, covered in graffiti winding through a room of ‘storefronts’ and then a ‘messy’ room. There are mattresses laid out in some rooms to remind you of your wonky walk home after a drunken night. Along the way, you can feel the hangover woes by putting on beer goggles that make everything around you spin or play a game of drunkopoly. Participate in an open mic of sorts where people narrate their worst and best hangover stories.
And you don’t need to go all the way to Croatia to mark your weird drunk story. You can share your drunken tale through their website or can even send objects to the museum.
The museum’s owner, Dubokovic said that he is not trying to encourage people to drink but aims to highlight negative effects of alcohol as well.