Somethings dont change
Ruma Dubey
about 5 years ago

Do you remember using the ‘Petri dish’ in your lab, when in school? Test tube and Petri dish were the most used apparatus in the lab. But today, the Petri dish has once again gained centerstage.
With so much R&D going on throughout the world to look for the vaccine and a medicine for fighting the covid, the Petri dish has never been so much in demand, ever.
A Petri dish is a shallow transparent lidded dish that biologists use to culture cells, such as bacteria, fungi or small mosses. Looks like, today the entire world is one big Petri dish. Nothing absolutely has changed, in terms of its basic design since the time is was discovered in 1880s.
This one example also goes on to prove that as much as things change, something never change.