Souvenirs of AK-47s???

You sometimes come across such bizarre news that it makes one question about the crazy, mad world we live in. And this news from Moscow will make you wonder more.
When traveling international, waiting time is often spent in browsing through the duty free shops, sometimes looking for souvenirs. Most of us pick up some art deco, chocolates, perfume or such small knick knacks But Moscow airport wants you to “think out of the box”. It has opened a shop which sells gifts items themed on Kalashnikovs or AK-47s as we know it.
So thankfully, it will not sell the real thing, which is guns, but souvenirs of all kinds: life-size plastic replicas; T-shirts, including those that say “I love AK”, which will make the AK-fans so proud; pens; bags; camouflage gear and more.
Thus next time we board a flight from Moscow international airport, do not be alarmed if your co-passenger walks in with AK-47 gifts; it will only go on to reiterate our faith further that we are living in a mad,mad,mad world.