Starbucks caters to India now.

With the variety of options available today for a good cup of coffee and tea, it would be assumed that the opening of India’s first ever Starbucks would not be a big deal. Alas, we are so wrong!
India’s first Starbucks is a sprawling 4500 square feet shop in South Mumbai, an elite area of the city. Yet the opening morning saw many standing in a queue for hours to drink a cup of this famous American coffee. Mumbai already houses coffee shops from UK, Australia, USA and of course, local Indian coffee yet it seemed like the whole of Mumbai was suddenly flocking to Starbucks, like it was the only shop selling coffee! With Starbucks following falling in its home country, it has decided to tap into Indian consumers to reclaim the lost stature. And looks like the sheer power of its brand image, with Indians fascinated with anything American, is paying off.
When you can get a cup of excellent filter coffee at Mumbai’s Manis for Rs.10 or cutting chai anywhere in the city at the same amount, why are we still fascinated with overpriced cups of coffee and tea? Is it do with the brand and for ‘that’ brand you wouldn’t mind spending a couple hundred rupees or is it merely external- to show off, especially on Facebook and Tweet about it? Whatever the cause may be, international coffee brands are thanking you for it!