Start-ups no more a lure?

For all the tom-toming about Indian start-ups and entrepreneurship, looks like that boat has long passed and the techies are back to basics – looking for jobs, not with start-ups but with established companies, preferably MNCs.
There is an employability report presented by the Mumbai-based pre-employment assessment firm Aspiring Minds. And its finding shows that fewer than 10% of Indian engineers want to work at startups, which is less than one per 10.
This survey finding is based on a sample size of over 170,000 engineers who graduated in 2018 from over 750 colleges in India.
Out of those surveyed, only 8% wanted jobs at start-ups, 30% in SMEs and majority, which is almost two thirds or 62% wanted to work in large companies. Be it male or female, across all streams, be it top notch or Tier 3 college, or from metros or Tier 3 cities, right across the board, maximum sought employment with large companies.
Apart from the security of working with a large company, the problem could also be employability as few are cut out for the startup life where skills become obsolete fast and most employees have to do multiple roles.
The great Indian start-up story is apparently only for the top-level talent; for entry level, these young companies cannot offer much; isn’t that what this survey says?