Super duper idea!

Wow! This is what we can a super duper idea and making best use of the resources!
Those who have lived in Bombay (not Mumbai) will recollect the days when cooking gas used to come via pipes- there were no gas cylinders and only one company provided this service – Bombay Gas Company.
This company was established in 1862 to provide street lighting and supply gas to households in the city. It had laid a 400-km pipeline network and distributed coal gas through it. Soon the company, after 120 years of existence, the company became irrelevant as gas lights were no longer used and gas cylinders became the norm.
Now we hear that the company is getting a new lease of life, adapting itself to the modern world. Telecom companies like Vodafone, Idea and Bharti are now using its 400-km pipeline to lay fibre optic cables to offer seamless connectivity and broadband coverage to customers. What a journey this is – from a British India where gas lights were used to a free India where mobile connectivity is probably more important than coal. What an idea sirji!