The best place to work for expectants?

Surely Deutsche Bank is the place where all women, pregnant or in the process of having a baby should want to work with.
They have one of the best maternity and paternity leaves in the country. The female employee, as such is entitled to 6 months of paid maternity leave but starting 1st Jan 2017, even male employees, who have become fathers, will be given 6 months leave. This means that now both its male and female employees are entitled to the same amount of childcare leave if they choose to be primary caregivers.
But if the male employee is not the primary caregiver, they he can only take up to 10 working days off after the birth of their child or the adoption of a child under the age of seven. Yes, the Bank also offers generous surrogacy and adoption leave.
This is what we call moving with the times and understanding the relevance of family. It is such policies, where the employer recognizes the needs of the employee and designs policies to suit them and not the company which makes them employee friendly and a desirable place to work in.