The 'fair' India

Since times immemorable, a fair complexion meant being beautiful. It was always about looking fair, how much ever unfair this might sound. While foreigners have admired our darker skin tone, we have always downplayed it and in fact, spoiling our natural color with the use of fairness creams and what-not.
Recently, however, Chennai based NGO Women of Worth (WoW) roped in actress Nandita Das for their campaign, Dark is Beautiful. WoW was started in 2008, in partnership with British Council for working with young women who have been discriminated based on their skin color. Nandita Das, a dusky skinned acclaimed Bollywood actress has become the poster girl for the campaign.
Since India has always been biased towards fairness, this campaign and their poster girl is sure to stir up some controversies. And frankly, it is necessary. It is no longer fair! but with movies, serials and every advertisment always portarying a fair woman, this bais towards darker or natural skin tonned women will never go.