The inspiration that is Dr.Kalam

Given the dearth if good and inspiring leaders, it is sometimes very difficult for us to fathom what a good leader is actually all about. And in the recent times, in the political arena, there is only one leader who comes to mind as being exceptionally inspiring and motivating – our ex-President, Dr.Abdul Kalam. Such is his charishma that even today, though he is no longer a President, when he enters any function, people give him a standing ovation and dote on every word that he says.
And he has been inspiring not just the common people and children, but even farmers. Yes, in a village in Bihar, Paliganj, the farmers there cannot thank him enough for the life he has given them. He had visited the village in 2003, 2005, 2008 and 2011 to provide valuable tips to farmers as part of a project by TIFAC (The Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council), a registered society under the Union Science & Technology Ministry. He gave them simple scientific tips on increasing yield and today, the farmers are reaping a bounty.
Using his scientific tips, farmers, who earlier harvested about nine quintals of paddy from an acre now harvest around 27 quintals per acre and production of wheat has gone up from 5 to 12 quintals per acre. He also taught them to cultivate medicinal plants in between Rabi and Kharif seasons, maintain fertility of the soil and most important, the power of educating their children.
Today the farmers have big homes and cars but they say with all humility that they owe it all to Dr,Kalam. How many such leaders do we have? And it’s a pity that petty politics does not allow such leaders to take on more leadership roles.