The magic of Amar Chitra Katha

Today, there might be a limitless choice of comics but for most of us belonging to the retro years, apart from Phantom, Mandrake, Bahadur, what was closest to the heart was Amar Chitra Katha (ACK).While Phantom and the other Indrajal comics are not available, becoming “collector items” ACK has surprisingly, not only survived but remains relevant and is available all across India.
So while everything around has changed so much, how come ACK has managed to stay alive? Quite a few reasons actually – the need to remain acquainted with our own stories and heritage remains. The new generation parents do not know much of these stories with grandparents no longer being the official family story tellers with the advent on nuclear families. Thus ACK has become a dependable ‘friend.’
Also, unlike many other cultures, ours is a living mythology as we continue following the traditions, worship these gods and celebrate the festivals. So many things we read in ACK is a part of our lives.
Moreover, the older generation too, which has grown up reading ACK, wants the new ones to stay connected to what they felt was important to their growing up. Thus in many ways ACK today is seen as comics which imparts values. Most of us want our children/grandchildren to also grown up with these comics.
16th Jul 2019 at 08:46 pm
16th Jul 2019 at 10:56 am