The most loyal - tigers at heart

We humans are prone to temptation and loyalty, for many of us, is just a word, not a virtue to die for. Yet, when you say dog, the first thing which comes to mind is loyalty and only loyalty. You feed the dog once and show him kindness, he will be your friend for life. And it is very good that some of our Indian forests, which are home to the precious tigers, will now be protected by these loyal animals.
Yes, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and TRAFFIC, a wildlife trade-monitoring network, have trained German shepherds – sniffer dogs which will help get not only poachers but locate injured animals, sniff out wildlife products such as tiger skins, ivory tusks and bones of endangered birds.
On 20th June, it was a proud moment when 14 sniffer dogs and their 28 handlers were inducted into the forestry departments and police forces of various states after a “Passing Out Parade” held in Bhopal, in Madhya Pradesh. The dogs will now be deployed in seven states that are home to large tiger populations—Madhya Pradesh, Assam, Uttarakhand, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Jharkhand and Karnataka.
Though sniffer dogs have been associated with detecting explosives and drugs, they have been in the service of Indian forestry since 2008. It wonderful to use incorruptible animals to protect other endangered animals or else left to mankind alone, we wont leave even one trees standing in the forest.