The power of people

This is the power of what can happen if people unite and decide to come together for a cause. After waiting for 40 years for a bridge to happen, with Govt’s one after the other, promising but doing nothing, the residents of Aleeka and Panihari villages in Haryana’s Sirsa district decided to take matters I their own hands.
The villagers had to travel 40 kms every day to sell their farm produce and now they have made things much more easier. The 214-feet long, 16-feet wide steel and concrete bridge over river Ghaggar has become a lifeline for over 1.25 lakh people, mostly farmers. They collected funds of about one crore from among themselves, making it India’s first crowdfunded bridge of such scale.
The best part – they did not want any politician or star to inaugurate their bridge and they have vowed to never allow any VIP or politician to ever use the bridge. They say that this will remain a bridge of the people, by the people and for the people.
This is the true power of unity and change, collectively we can shame the very leaders who are doing nothing to better our lives. But at the same time, it also makes us wonder why are we paying taxes and why electing Govt’s if a civil service like a bridge is also to be made by people themselves. Maybe a collective effort like this to fill up the potholes around India?