The rising power of women

This is probably the best thing to do – put women in charge of products which are targeted towards women. This makes the reach and the marketing strategy much easier and more ‘personal’, everything from a woman’s point of view. That is precisely what ITC is doing and looks like it has hit the right spot. Brand and marketing managers for some of its soaps, face wash, shampoo and even instant noodles are spearheaded by women and this has shown tremendous amount of results – in terms of market share and profitability.
Encouraged by this strategy the company is now doubling the proportion of women employees from 16% to 30%. And it has already identified 20 mid-to-senior women managers to take up leadership roles. This is a huge change at ITC, which has been predominantly been dominated by males. Till 10 years ago, only 1% of the work force were women and today, to target such a huge share, it’s a reflection of the changing times and the role of women in today’s society. Other companies like Coca Cola, HUL, are already onto this strategy and they want a 50%, more equal gender base at their organizations.
As more and more women join the work force, it is assuring to know that companies too are recognizing this rising power and giving full credence to this change in the society.