There’s a market for everything!

If you have a market, everything sells; there is a buyer for everything! Otherwise how does one explains the “Old Falmes” market in Hanoi, Vietnam?
This is like a haven for jilted or failed love affairs – people come from far away to sell the items of then ex’s; it could be right from love letters to clocks and any gift item which they cannot bear to see any more. The market has steadily grown since it opened in February, especially among Vietnam’s social-media obsessed youth, unabashed about sharing intimate details of their everyday lives.
Unwanted paraphernalia from extinguished passion includes love letters, purses, birthday cards, scrap books, clothes and there was once even a half used tube of toothpaste!
This is a reflection of the changing society there. Even till 10 years ago, this society of Vietnam was largely conservative and arranged marriages were the norm. The advent of internet changed everything; it is a more globalized Vietnam world today and with 50% of its population below the age of 30, their world is also fast changing.
7th Nov 2017 at 11:48 am
6th Nov 2017 at 10:17 am